Q and A: purslane, storing baby food, and winterizing strawberries

Purslane How do I get rid of Purslane that has tried to take over my garden? I've been pulling it up and taking it to the dump and mulched between my rows with newspaper and...

Will’s friend, Christian, joins our homestead

Christian had been planning on attending our seminar. But when he was suddenly faced with a housing screw-up, we invited him to join us for however long he wished to stay. Will and I...

We knew a cold spell was heading for us

So we got busy! Last fall Will plowed a six-acre spot between our new small hayfield and the pumpkin/corn patch. It was a soggy spot, covered with alder, willow brush, and a few small...

Q and A: saving squash seeds and canning on a glass-top range

Saving squash seeds Seeds arrived this week. Thanks so much. I have been growing Hopi from Baker Creek. If these are different I will know. I only plant Hopi here at home and other cucubrits...

Q and A: Canning butter, Tomatoes not setting fruit, and Water-bathed chicken stock

Canning butter My garden has started to produce and I have been in a canning frenzy the last couple of weeks. As long as I am doing all this canning I thought I would try...