We’re preparing for a big snowstorm

The forecasters are saying we may be getting up to 18 inches of blowing, drifting snow today, into tomorrow. Ish! Will hauled some big round bales into the training ring, then moved the cows...

Did you ever wish you were cloned?

We've had a crazy busy week. Harvest, of course, is in full swing in between rains, which we've desperately needed. There are tomatoes both to save seeds from for our seed business, and also...

All of a sudden … it’s Spring!

All our snow is gone and the ground is drying up nicely. What a relief. We breed our goats to freshen in late April since by then the snow is gone and the weather...

Q and A: emergency escape vehicle, canning hamburger, cold hardy apricot tree

Emergency planning escape vehicle Great ideas in Issue #157, January/February 2016 Emergency planning beyond the bug-out bag. Got me wondering what would make the best "escape" vehicle. I am thinking a diesel. Gasoline would...

Canning has started

Sure, all year I can up food. But in the summer, we really get down to business! Our first crop of hot peppers is in, along with a few sweet peppers, too. Yesterday I...