We’re having a heat wave

After sub-zero temperatures a week ago, it doesn't seem possible that it's over 70 degrees F today, with full sun! But we're really enjoying it. Because we built our house on a hill, we...

You wanted to see pictures of Red chasing Hondo?

Well here are a few. Honestly, those two go at it for fifteen minutes at a time. Red, our Bourbon Red tom seems to be in earnest about the whole deal while Hondo thinks...

My first flowers are blooming

Well, okay, they are the Amaryllis I bought before Christmas. But as much as we enjoy and need bright colors this time of the year, they were well worth the price. So far, I've...

I think spring has finally sprung

Although it's not really warm and the sun's not shining, the snow's pretty much gone now. Even the plow berms have sunk to pitiful depths and the daylilies and daffodils are popping up, even...

Mittens “helps” Will stamp our seed envelopes

Our cat, Mittens LOVES to knock small things off tables and shelves. She even tears open plastic bags and carries screws around in her mouth. (Never had a cat do that before!) We bought...