I’m back in the saddle

I'm sure all of you are wondering what the heck was going on with me. After all, I missed a few blogs. Well, my "health issue" was a bleeding ulcer. No, I'm not stressed,...

The sun is out and the birds are singing

Snow is melting and I can even see grass in the backyard (a tiny bit of grass where David ran the snowblower to the solar panels). I know you are all waiting for spring...

We have a regular visitor

Over the summer and some of the fall, we've had occasional visits by a wild turkey hen. She walked in last summer, interested in a couple of our domestic toms that wander around the...

Will and Christian cleaned out the cow stall and yard

Taking advantage of the great weather, Christian manned the tough job of hand-pitching a winter's worth of calf poop and old bedding out of the old goat barn/cow stall so we could put Lace...

With my canning, growing plants, and bulk bags of seed, our back porch is...

As there's scarcely enough room to walk through there anymore, Will decided to make some shelves to go on the log wall to hold some of the bags and boxes that are now on...