It’s still hot but we did get a third of an inch of rain.

Planting is continuing every day as we have so much ground that is garden now. Our wonderful apprentice, Ashley, has been planting our overflow peppers in the North garden and mulching crops ranging from...

Will and I got our second COVID shot

We're so tickled to have had the chance to become vaccinated when a lot of folks throughout the country are struggling to do the same. Our little clinic in a town of 600 people...

Will is at it again

Since February of '09, the living room in the new addition has kind of been on hold as more pressing projects have needed to be worked on. But perhaps due to our long, cold...

It’s hard not to be impatient with healing

I'm doing exercises three times a day, plus using the leg flexing machine, icing my leg, and going to rehab three times a week so even though I'm not busy with seeds and canning,...

We’re back on track

Finally, after a long time of having things that were "unworking," Will has the water system fixed very nicely as well as the oven. Finally! Thanks to our wonderful readers, he checked the ignitor...