Holy cow, Omicron is spreading like wildfire

I called my oldest son, Bill, today and asked how pheasant hunting went yesterday. He and grandson, Mason, went down to southern Minnesota to join his friend, Scott and his kids at a game...

Well, today’s the big day

All day, yesterday, I worked hard to get ready for being out of commission for a few days (I hope that's all!). I'm scheduled to be at the hospital at 8:45 AM. I'm happy...

We just got a new homestead addition

A week ago, my darned back went out. I'm not sure why but think it may have happened when I carried a hose and sprinkler from the Wolf Garden to the Main Garden on...

Yep, we got the big snow

We were expecting it and had gotten everything as ready as possible on the weekend. Then, on Sunday night, our friend, Tom, called to tell me his friend, who was going to drive him...

We’ve hit 50 degrees

And boy, oh boy, does it feel good in the sunshine! I was outside yesterday in my T-shirt gathering eggs and playing with the goats. Nice sunshine, too! Will is busy converting one of our...