It’s still hot but we did get a third of an inch of rain.

Planting is continuing every day as we have so much ground that is garden now. Our wonderful apprentice, Ashley, has been planting our overflow peppers in the North garden and mulching crops ranging from...

Will’s back logging again

Yep, he had a stent put in a heart artery a short while ago. And he's due for another on Monday. But as per doctor's orders, he's resumed all his activities he prior was...

You know the old saying, roll with the punches?

That's what I've had to do. I planned to start planting my peppers today but yesterday didn't go so well with rehab. I came home in intense pain and could barely walk. Now, I...

The weather station is posting the F word

No, not that "F" word — frost! Tomorrow night, the temperature is diving down to a forecast of 35 degrees F. That's fine, but we usually have temperatures about 5 degrees colder than what...

Winter’s on the way

We listened to the weather radio — which we just about live by — and they're expecting rain and snow tomorrow and on through the week. And we still have a bunch to do....