We got that hay up!

By the grace of God, we got another 18 big round bales up before the rain. That brings our total this year up to just under sixty bales. Now if we can just get...

We finally had our big freeze

Sunday night, it dropped down to 27 degrees F. A clear sky made it inevitable. Bummer! Luckily, we had already rushed around and gotten all of our frost-sensitive garden produce inside. Will took the...

It’s cloudy, but the rain stopped

Thank God! It's so much nicer to bring in a bounteous harvest when we're not wading through wet weeds (yep, we've got 'em) and leaves. I've been busy canning more sweet corn and another...

The sun’s out and it’s thawing today

For the first time, we're seeing snow melting. There are big puddles on the roads and parking lots in town. How exciting! It fired Will up and he went out into the greenhouse and...

Our new catalogs are out

A week ago, we received several boxes of our new Seed Treasures catalogs. We were so tickled. Our friend, Ilene Duffy, edited and formatted the 2023 seed catalog and the printer did their magic....