The weather station is posting the F word

No, not that "F" word — frost! Tomorrow night, the temperature is diving down to a forecast of 35 degrees F. That's fine, but we usually have temperatures about 5 degrees colder than what...

Our cold weather is back

But we're not complaining. We know you folks back East are suffering record-breaking snowfalls with nowhere to put it all. Been there. We know where you're coming from. Luckily, our winter has been great,...

We have plenty of snow on the ground

Winter came early this year and stayed! So far we have about a foot of snow on the ground and it shows no sign of melting. Temps are headed into the single numbers this...

It’s snowing

After a week of near normal temperatures (in the mid thirties and a bit lower) with no rain and just a touch of snow, Will's been working like a dog cutting down and dragging...

Yep, it’s still raining

Boy oh boy do I wish this would stop for a while. We really want to get in the gardens to till, spread manure, and get ready to start planting — at least our...