While its snowing, David and Will work inside

For a shop project, David is making a slide-in-trailer receiver cargo rack.  At school, he cut and assembled the rack.  But tonight he brought it home and he and Will measured and drilled holes...

We have a regular visitor

Over the summer and some of the fall, we've had occasional visits by a wild turkey hen. She walked in last summer, interested in a couple of our domestic toms that wander around the...

There’s beauty outside even when the high is -18 degrees

Sure it's cold, but the sun's out and it looks beautiful today. We had 40 mph winds with snow yesterday and there's lots of drifts. I noticed how pretty they were when I drove...

Gas went up again by 15 cents and we’re fighting back

Not only did gas go up last week, but diesel fuel as well. As we have a generator to charge our battery bank and drive vehicles, we know we need to cut down our...

We’re getting our shakes up on the roof

We've been working at nailing the shakes down on the roof extending into the greenhouse. We bought a brad nailer that sure makes things go faster and splits less shakes than a hammer and...