Harvest time is now upon us

Despite the drought and super high (for us) temperatures all summer, our crops are finally rewarding us with their first bounty. Today I picked a basket full of nice ripe tomatoes of many different...

Q&A: Making tomato sauce, Cleaning carrots, and Growing Brussels sprouts

Making tomato sauce and cleaning carrots April 13th, Lisa Bano asked a question, in comments about leaving tomato sauce/paste in the oven on low. She assumed this direction was for your wood stove, and wanted...

Finally, we’re sort of getting caught up

Will has nearly all of our firewood cut up. We split it, then he hauled it into a huge pile in the woodshed, so it stays dry. Now he has to get it stacked....

Winter’s still here, although it’s really only fall

Last night we had a temperature of 7° F. Holy cow, it's not even the end of the month yet — October, that is! We usually are in the fifties with lows in the...

My garden is growing very well this year

My good old rhubarb, a Victoria old-fashioned rhubarb is now over my head. Check out the photo of it next to the hoop house. The stalks are as big around as my wrist. We're...