Harvest continues and a new crop is growing INSIDE

I saved a turkey roasting pan full of sliced pumpkin pieces from our huge pumpkin to dehydrate. As the temperatures were hot and dry (unusual for this time of year in northern Minnesota!), I...

Canning and building goes forward

With our entire gardens harvested, we switched energy to canning up the produce as quickly as possible. Those twelve big crates of tomatoes on the enclosed back porch are beginning to ripen quite quickly....

Q and A: planting seedlings and non-electric range

Planting seedlings I read your post this morning and in answer to using peat pots you included some information new to me. If your seedling is leggy you plant it deeper when moving to...

Q and A: baby Lima beans not producing and weather-predicting beavers

Baby Lima beans not producing Have you ever had a problem with baby limas (we call them butterbeans here in Virginia) not producing pods? I have great vines but no pods at all. This is...

Q and A: irrigating an orchard and wheat for chicken feed

Irrigating an orchard I'm trying to figure out an easier way to irrigate my little fruit orchard when enough rain doesn't come along to do it. Until now, I've been either running hoses, using buckets,...