Eating up all the garden mistakes

This last few days have been sort of a blur of frenzied picking, hauling, digging, hauling and stacking garden produce in the new greenhouse, away from the freezing cold that has suddenly descended on...

QandA: Planting potatoes, Gnat invasion, and New to pressure canning

Planting potatoes I was told by an elderly neighbor that I can not plant my tomatoes in the same place that I had potatoes last year. The potatoes did fine, no blight or problems last...

And then my computer crashed

Things were going along nicely … I was pulling in lots of dry beans, canning more corn, and taking seeds from our many tomato varieties. I brought two Bozeman watermelons to the house that...

Q and A: chicken broth and salty soil

Chicken broth My daughter works in a restaurant that prepares rotisserie chicken every day. She asked them to save the bones for her, and brought a bunch home last night. We are going to make...

Just got over my annual fall cold

This was a very bad time to catch a cold. And darn it, I DID get a flu and pneumonia shot too! I didn't get the flu or pneumonia, but was in bed two...