Q and A: drying beans and canning green tomatoes

Drying beans I planted cranberry bean for the first time this year. The majority of them dried fine in their shells but some are still in green shells (even thought I dried them in dehydrator)...

If the drought wasn’t enough, now we have grasshoppers

I've been noticing way more grasshoppers around this year than normal. And now they're getting bigger, you really notice them as every step you take, you send up a big cloud before you. I...

We planted fruit trees … again

In Northern Minnesota, nothing much is easy. We had a couple dozen apple trees plus cherry and pear trees in our little acre of orchard. And they were doing great. But two winters ago,...

Only when you live in the backwoods do your neighbors drive horses over to...

The other day our neighbor called to see if we were going to be home. We said "yes," and he said he'd be over in a few minutes. Well, a few minutes came and...

Waste not, want not

This was one of Dad's favorite sayings, one we use often today. I made a tasty baked chicken with wild rice stuffing along with a big stir fry. We ate and ate, but there...