Well, Will finally got stuck plowing the driveway

We just had another six inches of snow overnight so this afternoon Will headed out to plow our driveway after clearing the area around the house. I was busy filling seed orders and doing...

We’ve had several freezing nights

But harvesting and processing goes on. Every day I'm taking seed out of various tomatoes, melons, peppers, and beans, trying hard to save every single one. As this year was our worst gardening year...

Will’s back logging again

Yep, he had a stent put in a heart artery a short while ago. And he's due for another on Monday. But as per doctor's orders, he's resumed all his activities he prior was...

Well, our nice weather is gone

We knew it was coming, a night and day of rain, which is supposed to turn to snow tonight. We busted butt splitting firewood and Will hurried to get as much stacked inside as...

It’s dry, dry, dry

We've been hurrying to get everything planted in all the gardens as we hope rain will come (eventually) and things will take off as the soil sure is warm. Will got busy and fenced...