Q and A: using a fermenting crock for meat and peeling Hopi Pale Gray...

Using fermenting crock for meat My husband would like to cure some meat in my German fermenting crock. Will my crock be safe to use again for cabbage? It is glazed on the inside. Jean Ann...

Photos for NL


Frosty mornings make you think of splitting firewood

There was so much frost on the vehicles this morning when David left for school that he came in and grabbed the digital camera to take a picture. It was in the teens and...

My dad had a so-true saying

He always said "Too soon old, too late smart!". And I've found that to be oh so true, as I travel my own path through life. Now, I figured I was fairly intelligent but...

We’re already planning next year’s gardens

Okay, you may think we're nuts, with all the snow and cold we've been experiencing. But to do a good job, we've got lots to think about. With six big gardens, growing several different...