We've been hoping for a respite from our darned catalog's mailing list problems and thought it was done; then today we found out somehow the internet fairies absconded with a third of the list!...

Hey! Spring’s back

After a week of back to back blizzards, the sun came out and the temperature climbed to 50 degrees today. It was SO nice. And today my son Bill and his wife,...

Q and A: planting early trees and saving tomato seeds

Planting early trees I was excited to get the e-mail that my new Apple Trees will be shipping this week until I realized that there is no way all of our snow will be gone...

Great News! Backwoods Home Magazine will be back in print!

I just got an e-mail from Dave Duffy, the publisher of BHM saying his son, Sam, will be re-launching the print edition of the magazine. It will be the same as before with all...

We’ve really been rushing around lately

The garden, which has been dinking around for weeks with nothing ripening, IS ripening all of a sudden. We've got quite a few ripe tomatoes now, chiefly our favorite, Moravsky Div, and Mia's Italian...