COVID-19 has been found in our county

We're pretty sure it's down in the Duluth area as the news isn't saying. I think they don't want to panic Duluthians. It's also been found in northern Wisconsin counties. As the pandemic spreads...

We escaped the arctic blast for at least one day

My oldest son, Bill, texted me that they were going to celebrate grandson, Mason's fifteenth birthday on last Saturday. We've been having cold and snow and were expecting the roads to be snow-covered and...

We had an unexpected Christmas present

On Christmas evening, David and Elizabeth invited us over to their house to have a late Christmas dinner with his family and Elizabeth's parents. That was very nice, and we enjoyed the evening very...

We tried our first Theron’s Winter squash

And boy, was it a treat! First off, this squash is huge. Ours weighed 40 pounds. And the orange meat is so thick I had to have Will cut it open with Mom's old...

I canned up the first batch of asparagus yesterday

I'd planned on canning asparagus for a couple of days then got busy, bringing in all the flats of plants off of the back deck. The forecast for the night was a frost warning...