We attended the Orr Homesteading and Sustainable Living Expo

After a busy weekend speaking and hosting the Seed Treasures booth at the Expo in Orr, Minnesota, we dove right into getting ready for our homesteading seminar here at the home place. Whew! It...

Our fall rains have arrived

And boy, the rain does slow down things ripening in the garden. We should have crates of ripe tomatoes right now, but there are really very few — just enough to eat, cook with,...

COVID-19 has been found in our county

We're pretty sure it's down in the Duluth area as the news isn't saying. I think they don't want to panic Duluthians. It's also been found in northern Wisconsin counties. As the pandemic spreads...

Today dawned rainy and raw

After a pretty fall day, although windy as heck, this morning seemed dismal. But it's a good day to stay inside and can up more tomato sauce and get a start on the crate...

We got a freeze!

By keeping a close ear to the weather radio several times a day, we had three days advance warning of a widespread frost advisory for our area. So, yep, we got really busy picking...