I had a great time at the Self Reliance Expo in Irving, Texas

I was so happy to get to meet so many of my extended BHM family at this show! Thank you, all of you, for stopping by and saying hi, giving me a hug and...

Hot, hot, hot

I know high eighties and low nineties isn't hot for some of you, but for us Northwoods folks, it's plenty warm. Especially when we're rushing to finish getting the gardens all in, cultivating what's...

-30! Brrrr! Time for work inside

We're under an Arctic blast with HIGHS in the below zero readings and lows … well, we really don't want to go there. So we do chores in steps, warming up between, then do...

The sun is out and the birds are singing

Snow is melting and I can even see grass in the backyard (a tiny bit of grass where David ran the snowblower to the solar panels). I know you are all waiting for spring...

Why are there only so many daylight hours?

Now it's spring for sure and things are popping around here. Our daffodils are in full bloom after sitting under snowbanks for months and boy do they look beautiful! Our friend, Heather, came late...