Today it’s sloppy outside so we’re working inside

Temperatures have been in the 40s yesterday and today, so that foot of new, heavy, wet snow is nearly gone. It left puddles like lakes and a river running down the hill toward the...

Rain, rain, rain

We've had nearly two inches of rain in two days and guess what? It's raining again today. But at least it isn't snowing. Monday we had heavy snow and rain — but we did...

And then my computer crashed

Things were going along nicely … I was pulling in lots of dry beans, canning more corn, and taking seeds from our many tomato varieties. I brought two Bozeman watermelons to the house that...

What do you get when you cross a Hopi Pale Grey and a Marina...

Nothing like you'd imagine! Hopi Pale Grey is football shaped with a "belly button" on the blossom end. Marina Di Chioggia is pumpkin shaped, dark green and warted. My friend grew the two C....

Harvest is about finished

Harvest is about finished When the sun came out this morning after a full week of drizzly, nasty weather, we did a happy dance. I pulled our parsnips (in the rain) and canned them up...