It feels like summer has come

We went from freezing to 80° F in less than a week! We northern folk sure are slowed down at 80 degrees! And boy are we busy right now, getting gardens ready to plant...

Our cold snap snapped

Finally our subzero temperatures have moderated. In fact, today it's 41 degrees and our snow is melting. It seems so strange to have mild weather after all that cold. (Yep, we know it's going...

What do you get when you cross a Hopi Pale Grey and a Marina...

Nothing like you'd imagine! Hopi Pale Grey is football shaped with a "belly button" on the blossom end. Marina Di Chioggia is pumpkin shaped, dark green and warted. My friend grew the two C....

Our beautiful weather continues

Every day now, with temperatures in the sixties and even seventies, we've been able to do a whole lot. This past weekend, David's friend, Jacob, came over to help him thin trees and brush,...

The rain and the hot days are making the gardens terrific

For more than a month we've been experiencing above normal temperatures along with plenty of rain. So just like last year was the worst gardening year for us, this is the very best. For...