Our cold snap snapped

Finally our subzero temperatures have moderated. In fact, today it's 41 degrees and our snow is melting. It seems so strange to have mild weather after all that cold. (Yep, we know it's going...

We’re back to sub-zero temps

What do we do when it's so cold? Play catch-up on those chores we've been putting off before spring comes and we don't have time. Today, Will brought in his chainsaw chain sharpener on...

We’ve finally got a few days without rain

But the bad news is the hayfields have standing water on them and we have two fields down and rained on. Sure, it wasn't supposed to rain — so the weather radio said. But...

We’ve hit 50 degrees

And boy, oh boy, does it feel good in the sunshine! I was outside yesterday in my T-shirt gathering eggs and playing with the goats. Nice sunshine, too! Will is busy converting one of our...

Finally, I got a box of books

Hey, I'll admit the wait was my fault. After the holidays we had a cash flow crunch. But we were excited when I could finally order and receive the first box of books, the...