We’re back to sub-zero temps

What do we do when it's so cold? Play catch-up on those chores we've been putting off before spring comes and we don't have time. Today, Will brought in his chainsaw chain sharpener on...

We’ve had a real wet spell

After so many nice sunny fall days, suddenly the rains are upon us. I finally got the last of the carrots canned up and, boy, do they look great in the jars. Yesterday I...

We got our hay in just before the rain

We knew a storm was coming and we had 85 bales of hay on the field. So even though it was 85 degrees with high humidity, we went at it and picked up the...

Harvest is about finished

Harvest is about finished When the sun came out this morning after a full week of drizzly, nasty weather, we did a happy dance. I pulled our parsnips (in the rain) and canned them up...

What does a homesteader do for fun?

For many years, I've been working on a series of Western novels, which have mostly been sitting in a box in the closet as Westerns aren't "in." But recently, I found an interested publisher...