The pumpkin/corn patch is now fenced

Will, Krystal, and I finished hanging the last two sections of the 6-foot-high fencing on the new pumpkin/corn patch. We had decided to wait for a more doable cash flow but the deer were...

Finally, I got a box of books

Hey, I'll admit the wait was my fault. After the holidays we had a cash flow crunch. But we were excited when I could finally order and receive the first box of books, the...

Our cold weather is back

But we're not complaining. We know you folks back East are suffering record-breaking snowfalls with nowhere to put it all. Been there. We know where you're coming from. Luckily, our winter has been great,...

You wanted to see pictures of Red chasing Hondo?

Well here are a few. Honestly, those two go at it for fifteen minutes at a time. Red, our Bourbon Red tom seems to be in earnest about the whole deal while Hondo thinks...

We got quite a snowfall, but it won’t last

A few days ago we got hammered with about five inches of new, very heavy snow. For a while, you could hardly see the woods around us. We knew it was coming but by...