Our weather’s been perfect although dry

It seems like our beavers' forecast is coming true. We haven't had a speck of rain for 10 days. But we're not complaining. We've been getting a lot of hay up after such a...

We’re bartering breeding services

For our pigs, that is! We have two gilts that need to be bred and we have no boar. Friends of ours, Tiffany and her husband, Nate, had a boar they could spare but...

Who said northern Minnesota was cold?

We've been having unreal temperatures lately; from 88 to 95 degrees with high humidity. Puff, puff, sweat dripping, pant, pant. It's hard to get things done! I went out yesterday and thinned a row...

We’re getting our shakes up on the roof

We've been working at nailing the shakes down on the roof extending into the greenhouse. We bought a brad nailer that sure makes things go faster and splits less shakes than a hammer and...

This is an insane year, weather wise

We still haven't seen three days in a row without rain! We listen to the weather radio several times a day, plus watch the local weather on the news, hoping for the window of...