I got the ProMix problem solved

A friend had told me that Menards had a potting mix called Sunshine #4 that she bought, and she really liked it. So, when Will and I were in Virginia (Minnesota), we went to...

Our last calf has just been born

We have been expecting this calf to come any day — since last month! So we brought Lady into the training ring, where she would have a nice barn and we could watch her...

Did you ever wish you were cloned?

We've had a crazy busy week. Harvest, of course, is in full swing in between rains, which we've desperately needed. There are tomatoes both to save seeds from for our seed business, and also...

Holy cow, Omicron is spreading like wildfire

I called my oldest son, Bill, today and asked how pheasant hunting went yesterday. He and grandson, Mason, went down to southern Minnesota to join his friend, Scott and his kids at a game...

We finally had our big freeze

Sunday night, it dropped down to 27 degrees F. A clear sky made it inevitable. Bummer! Luckily, we had already rushed around and gotten all of our frost-sensitive garden produce inside. Will took the...