Some thoughts on growing older in the backwoods

By Marjorie Burris Issue #16 • July/August, 1992 "Just how long are you going to be able to live in the backwoods like that?" my friend, Pat, asked. "You're not getting any younger, you know!" I've known...

Reflecting on a life in the woods, and looking ahead

By Marjorie Burris Issue #60 • November/December, 1999 It is a good life here on the old homestead. We've worked hard, and we are enjoying the fruits of our labor. It was tough digging the holes...

How to maintain a dirt road

By Marjorie Burris Issue #48 • November/December, 1997 It is our job to maintain two and one half miles of dirt road if we want to get into our property. We are completely surrounded by forest...

Here are some tasty ways to use those end-of-season green tomatoes

By Marjorie Burris Issue #41 • September/October, 1996 That gentle nip in the autumn air feels pleasant to your cheeks, but it also means that one more tomato season is about to come to an end....


Recipe of the Week  Chow-chow  Courtesy of Marjorie Burris   You'll find this recipe and over 400 more in Backwoods Home Cooking.Click Here Ingredients 1 peck (12-1/2 lbs.) green tomatoes 8 large onions 10 green bell peppers 3 Tbsp. pickling salt 6 hot peppers, seeded...