Canning game meat
By Linda Gabris
Issue #166 • July/August, 2017
Attempting to can meat (or any other low acid food, for that matter) without the use of a pressure canner is every bit as foolhardy as arming up...
Hunting, processing, and serving black bear
By Linda Gabris
Issue #162 • November/December, 2016
Bear was a popular meat in our house when I was growing up in the rural woods. Black bear was Grandpa's favorite big game animal to hunt and...
Easy raspberry jam
Recipe of the Week
Easy raspberry jam
Courtesy of
Linda Gabris
You'll find this recipe and over 400 more in Backwoods Home Cooking.Click Here
6 cups fresh wild raspberries (the store-bought kind will do, but honestly, they don’t measure...
Making sausage
By Linda Gabris
Issue #95 • September/October, 2005
While most folks in my neck of the woods are busy barbecuing during the last leg of summer, my thoughts are wistfully drifting to autumn and the brand...
Shiitake mushrooms
By Linda Gabris
Issue #96 • November/December, 2005
There's a familiar old saying about mushrooms making meals marvelous but when it comes to the delectable shiitake, here's a pick that goes way beyond the call of...
Cool dishes for formal summer dining
By Linda Gabris
Issue #94 • July/August, 2005
If you're an upland hunter who enjoys showing off your birds in gourmet fashion, here is a supreme main course creation that will earn the highest praise. There...
Salmon candy and pickles — Two unique ways to enjoy your next catch
By Linda Gabris
Issue #93 • May/June, 2005
Salmon is always a treat, but if you want to try something different, how about making pickles and candy out of the next fish that lands in your...
Pickled fish and rollmops
By Linda Gabris
Issue #91 • January/February, 2005
The zesty creations called rollmops (those mouthwatering appetizers that you buy in jars at the supermarket or by bulk in a deli) have deep European roots, but there's...
Turkey the old-fashioned way
By Linda Gabris
Issue #90 • November/December, 2004
When I was a kid, mom did all her cooking on a McClary wood stove that sat in the corner of her big country kitchen. The stove, fondly...
Garlic – the glorious bulb
By Linda Gabris
Issue #86 • March/April, 2004
Whether you know it as ail in French, lashun in Hindi, da suan in Chinese, aglio in Italian, fokhagyma in Hungarian or plain old garlic in English, the...
Wonderful wilderness wines
By Linda Gabris
Issue #88 • July/August, 2004
From spring's first delicate blossoms to the last clinging berries of autumn, hobby winemakers can cash in on nature's bounty to rack up an exciting array of distinctive...
Cracklin’s — An irresistible snack that you can’t stop sneakin’
By Linda Gabris
Issue #79 • January/February, 2003
When I was a girl growing up in the backwoods, one of my favorite times of the year was autumn when grandpa would butcher a pig to put...
Raising Rabbits
By Linda Gabris
Issue #133 • January/February, 2012
If you take pride and pleasure in growing your own organic garden foods and raising your own chemical-free meats, then consider rabbits.
Domestic rabbits are an easy-to-raise, reliable meat...
Healthy holiday munchies — Guaranteed to take the sneak out of snacking
By Linda Gabris
Issue #102 • November/December, 2006
For many folks, holidays are the hardest time of the year to stick with sensible eating habits since seasonal entertaining revolves around so many traditional offerings of sweet...
Homemade healthy soba noodles
By Linda Gabris
Issue #105 • May/June, 2007
As any noodle lover knows, the world of noodles is a big one with almost every country having a traditional noodle deeply rooted in its history and culture.
Cooking with seeds — A surefire way to sow good health into your family’s...
Cooking with seeds
By Linda Gabris
Issue #100 • July/August, 2006
Even though it sounds a little seedy, planting an array of tasty seeds in your daily cooking is an economical way to sneak an extra dose...